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Social Media Manager

I have experience managing and creating engaging content for various social media platforms. My focus has been Facebook and Twitter.

I develop content calendars and campaigns (Giving Tuesday, appeal donation drives) for social media at Vinfen. 

I expanded the number of people liking Vinfen's page to over 150 fans in my first 6 months, currently over 1,451 fans.

I have advocated that I design images marking awareness days/weeks/months on social media. These in turn, have been quote popular. For example at PPAL, I proposed and created  images promoting Children’s Mental Health Week, resulting in 150 shares and 51 likes on Facebook.


Overall, I was able to expand the reach of PPAL’s Facebook page from 1,695 to 9,816 views.

With Twitter, I have experience managing Tweet Chats with people with chronic illness at WEGO Health. I came up with health topics and questions to discuss and ran the talks and interacted with followers. My manager said I was great at connecting with our followers during these chats. 


At a conference on mental health and technology in September 2017, one of our speakers mentioned how impressed he was with me managing Vinfen's Twitter page. He was surprised that I only started it in August and had already built an impressive amount of content in one month's time.

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