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Solar Eclipse

My work recently made the big decision to officially join Twitter. Twitter is fast-paced so you need to keep generating new content. But it’s got to be good, so it will shine against all the other content.

So I’m proud to say in less than 30 minutes, I came up with this gem. Usually we stick to health and disability content, but my coworkers were open to me posting about holidays. Surely the eclipse over the US was a holiday of some sorts.

I was about to post something like, “Happy Solar Eclipse Day!” However, I thought how the 40th Anniversary logo, that I previously designed, was shaped like the sun and moon. And bam with the use of Adobe Illustrator, I made the image that’s an amusing take on our logo.

The response was great. We got a lot of likes and retweets from organizations that we work with on events and advocacy efforts.

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